How to Deal with Exam Stress

Exam season truly brings out the best and the worst in us. As students, apart from our own de-stressing, we also need to spend extra time de-stressing our parents, our family, and everybody around the block who is concerned about us doing well on our tests.

So how exactly do we deal with all this? What do we exactly focus on? How do we avoid distractions? And how can we achieve optimum results?

Here are a few ways to beat the exam season heat without fretting too much.   



A lot of people feel extremely comfortable studying in a clean and tidy place. It can also help increase concentration. Psychologists believe that de-cluttering your life enables creativity and increases motivation. And what else do we need in exam season? From my personal experiences, I have come to believe, that every time my dorm/hostel room was messy, my mind immediately considered it imperative to clean it. At that moment, I found it more important to clean my room than to study! After many experiences like such, I have realized that cleaning and organizing my room or study space beforehand allowed me to have a clearer mind and better study sessions.

Another way to treat organization is by pre-planning your day. Write out all the events including separate time slots for your daily meals. Just like revision before a test helps greatly, being prepared for the next day makes you plan a great balance between your work and your free time. ‘Time is of the essence’ in mysterious ways, the real test that we students pose is to manage time and our resources. It is not as important to stick to a certain schedule as to create one in the first place. Although one does not end up following the schedule completely, one can follow it to the maximum. During exam times, it is important to do your best while doing your most.

Take Breaks

Exam season brings out a lot of stress and while everyone around us is focusing on their work constantly, we seem to lose a sense of balance and sometimes might end up studying for longer than necessary. It is important to remember to take breaks during exam periods too. The average concentration span of a college student is around 30-50 minutes. Going beyond that span for revision is considered okay. But to put pressure on your mind and body by studying for longer hours is harmful. It is always better to take a 15-minute break every two hours you study. It helps us regain energy and makes us have a better attitude throughout the study session.


Go out

A stroll in a park nearby or a chai/coffee outing with friends is always refreshing. Understanding when your mind and body need a break is one of the most important things to consider. Taking a break long enough is a luxury and one definitely needs the time for it but sometimes it can be extremely de-stressing and refreshing. We are after all humans.


Be Prepared

Like organizing things around you, being prepared for something is also relieving. When I say be prepared, I don’t only mean it in an academic view but also for what goes into preparing for your academics. Keep your books, your notes, your textbook, and stationery ready for the day of the test. The best way to do this might be to use websites like Campus Street. Campus Street is an amazing website that lets you buy and sell used study material. If the textbooks that you want are too expensive and out of budget, you can buy the same textbooks for much cheaper on this website. The website also provides amenities like used calculators. The condition of these amenities is perfectly useable. The website also promotes the recycling of old material and hence the recycling of paper.

If you are currently a student you should definitely give this site a visit!



Lastly and most importantly, it is extremely important for our growing bodies to get an ample amount of sleep. Sleep also contributes to keeping our mental health, which is extremely important for us. Proper hours of rest including a full night of sleep can also increase attention spans and concentration levels.


Exam season is a very tricky space. A lot of us deal with all sorts of pressure and don’t have an idea of what we should be doing to get over it. Studying forward always helps but sometimes all we need is a daylong break. Hopefully, this article helps a bit in figuring out a way out of the maze. I wish you the best of luck next time. 


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